收藏级翡翠手镯 罕见冰底飘花




  1. 冰种质地:冰种翡翠的透明度高,质感如同冰块般清澈,仅次于最顶级的玻璃种翡翠。这种质地的翡翠能够展现出极佳的光泽和清澈感。
  2. 飘花特征:飘花是指在翡翠内部呈现出的细脉状、丝线状或草丛状的颜色分布,通常为绿色或蓝色,这些飘花如同自然界中的水墨画,增加了翡翠的艺术美感和独特性。
  3. 颜色与分布:飘花的颜色越鲜艳,分布越均匀且自然,其价值也就越高。如果飘花是阳绿色,即鲜艳的绿色,那么手镯的价值会更高。
  4. 整体品质:包括手镯的大小、厚度、圆度以及是否存在瑕疵或裂痕。完美的形状和尺寸,以及没有任何明显缺陷的手镯更为珍贵。
  5. 稀缺性:高品质的冰底飘花翡翠产量有限,市场供应量少,因此它们的稀缺性也推高了其价值。

Collection level jade bracelets, especially the rare ice bottom floating flower type, are treasures that jade enthusiasts and collectors dream of. The reason why these types of jade bracelets are precious is mainly based on the following factors:

Ice texture: Ice jadeite has high transparency and a texture as clear as ice, second only to the top glass jadeite. This type of jade can exhibit excellent luster and clarity.

Characteristics of Floating Flowers: Floating flowers refer to the color distribution of fine veins, silk threads, or grass like patterns inside jadeite, usually green or blue. These floating flowers are like ink paintings in nature, adding artistic beauty and uniqueness to jadeite.

Color and distribution: The brighter the color of a floating flower, the more even and natural its distribution, and the higher its value. If the floating flower is a sunny green, that is, a bright green, then the value of the bracelet will be higher.

Overall quality: including the size, thickness, roundness, and presence of defects or cracks in the bracelet. A perfect shape and size, as well as a bracelet without any obvious defects, are even more precious.

Scarcity: The production of high-quality floating flower jadeite on the ice floor is limited, and the market supply is limited, so their scarcity also drives up their value.

Collection level ice bottom floating flower jade bracelets are often expensive, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions of RMB, depending on a comprehensive evaluation of all the above factors. When purchasing such bracelets, it is recommended to go through reputable merchants or auction houses, while ensuring that there is a professional appraisal certificate to verify their authenticity and quality.
